The EURES network

Within Europass you can create and upload your CV up to the EURES portal
- Ηelp citizens communicate their skills and qualifications effectively when looking for a job or training.
- Ηelp employers understand the skills and qualifications of the workforce.
- Ηelp education and training authorities define and communicate the content of curricula.

This page provides you with information and links to opportunities to learn or study in another EU country.

EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion is a unique pan-European initiative delivering information and support services to professional researchers. Backed by the European Union, member states and associated countries, it supports researcher mobility and career development, while enhancing scientific collaboration between Europe and the world.

European Youth Portal
The European Youth Portal offers European and national information and opportunities that are of interest to young people who are living, learning and working in Europe. It provides information around eight main themes, covers 35 countries and is available in 28 languages.

Euroguidance is a European network of national resource and information centres for guidance in 34 European countries. Its main target group consists of guidance practitioners in education and employment, among them professionals who provide information and guidance on international learning mobility to end-users seeking studying and training opportunities abroad

Your Europe
Your Europe is an EU site designed to help you do things in other European countries – avoiding unnecessary inconvenience and red tape.
This can mean moving, living, studying, working, shopping or simply travelling abroad. Or, as a company, doing business abroad.

SOLVIT is a service provided by the national administration in each EU country and in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. SOLVIT is free of charge.
It is mainly an online service. Although there is a SOLVIT centre in each country, the best way to contact them is via this website.
SOLVIT aims to find solutions within 10 weeks – starting on the day your case is taken on by the SOLVIT centre in the country where the problem occurred.

Your Europe Advice
Your Europe Advice is part of a set of information and advice tools for citizens and businesses about their EU rights.
It offers practical advice and useful tips on issues such as living, studying, working, shopping , travelling – or, as a company, doing business – within the EU. It is the main source of information on these subjects.

MISSOC, the ‘Mutual Information System on Social Protection’, was established in 1990 to promote a continuous exchange of information on social protection among the EU Member States.

EURES Portal
Search for a job opportunity in the European Union. Upload your CV and find out more about how it is to live in a specific country.

Your First Eures Job
Your first EURES job aims to help young nationals in the 18-35 age bracket of any of the EU28 countries + Iceland and Norway (EFTA/EEA countries) to find a work placement (job or traineeship) in another EU EFTA/EEA country. It also helps employers to find the workforce they need for their hard-to-fill vacancies.